Trusted Land Use and Real Estate Attorneys in New Albany

Navigating the complexities of Ohio Real Estate Law and Land Use matters can be a challenge. Trust Cooke Demers to provide strategic guidance and solutions tailored to your unique property and development needs.

Real Estate And Land Use Legal Services
We Can Provide:

Real Estate Law encompasses legal matters concerning real property, including transactions, ownership, and usage. When you need assistance in these complex matters, you can rely on the decades of experience only Cooke Demers can provide. To protect your interests, our attorneys can assist you in matters regarding:  

  • Buying and selling property
  • Leasing
  • Landlord-tenant disputes
  • Property development
  • Zoning regulations
  • Homeowners’ association matters

Land Use Law governs the legal regulations and zoning restrictions concerning the use and development of land. At Cooke Demers, we provide invaluable assistance, helping you navigate the complexities of legal rules and zoning restrictions at all levels of government, including local, state, and federal, and can also assist with: 

  • Zoning and land use analysis
  • Land use planning and compliance
  • Obtaining permits and approvals for development projects
  • Environmental impact assessments
  • Land use negotiations and agreements
  • Handling variances and conditional use permits
  • Representation in land use hearings and appeals
  • Addressing eminent domain and takings issues
  • Land use litigation and dispute resolution
  • Counsel on regulatory changes and updates

Construction Law governs legal regulations and requirements related to the planning, development, and execution of construction projects. To ensure compliance, Cooke Demers provides invaluable legal support to clients navigating the complexities of local, state, and federal construction laws and regulations, assisting with: 

  • Construction contract analysis and drafting
  • Compliance with building codes and permits
  • Obtaining necessary approvals and permits for construction projects
  • Environmental impact assessments and compliance
  • Construction project negotiations and agreements
  • Handling variances and conditional use permits
  • Representation in construction-related hearings and appeals
  • Addressing eminent domain and takings issues
  • Construction litigation and dispute resolution
  • Informing you of regulatory changes and updates.
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Why Choose Cooke Demers To Represent You:

High-quality legal service requires legal acumen, personal attention to every detail, and a strong attorney-client relationship, which is the foundation of Cooke Demers. In addition, our firm strongly believes that legal representation must be tailored to the client. Clients’ needs are different, and they need an attorney who can represent them as their personal and business lives change and grow.


Experience Matters

Schedule a confidential consultation with one of our experienced attorneys and get the legal representation you can depend on.

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